A 'Domestic' Chef

"Who eats well, lives well."

Martin Eden in Vanuatu
Origami GIF

Temperature Conversion

1. Type the temperature you want to convert in this box ===>
(e.g. if the temperature is 78o Farhenheit, type 78 without the degree sign in the box.)

2. Next, choose which way you want to convert ===>

3. Then left-click on the button below.


4. To reset, left-click on the button below.

[*Calculations use the formulas: C = 5(F - 32)/9 and F = 9C/5 + 32]

Weight Conversion

1. Choose your Unit from the drop down list within the table below.
2. Enter the Value of that Unit you wish to convert in the box beside it.
3. Left-click the 'Convert' button.
4. Use the 'Start Over' button to reset for another conversion.


Martin Eden Recipes

*Click on each link below to view that Recipe's Details.


Muesli Grain

A Breakfast of 'Artistic' Champions, combining a moderation of the wear and tear of health food with a touch of sweetness in a way that satisfies the morning palate.

Mid Hungarian Roll

A non-dry, minimized-bread, tasty lunch which will give you a sense of bulk without the after heavy feel commonly inducing afternoon malaise.

Hot Beef-Strips Wokorama

This is a 'HOT' yet palatable meal for two which will clear your sinuses but not your bowels!


I'm a night owl so this one is most often used as a 'Mid-Nite' Snack. Occasionally I'll use it as an Appertizer as I prepare my Dinner. Its appeal is that its quick, satisfyingly tasty, and the ingredients compliment each other very well indeed.

Chi Tea

This is a tea with a strange ability to sooth and relax one physically, mentally and spiritually. In other words I find it settling.

Polish Pierogi

This is a Polish Dish handed down from Grandfather to Granddaughter, the most favoured by Martin Eden (the 'Father' in-between)!!

Spaghetti Martinaise

A pasta meal for two with a difference i.e. with the 'Italian' minimized and the acidity taken out.

A Potato-Ham Salad

(An excellent 'Dinner-Add-In')
Potato-Ham Salad garnished with Fennel.

VEPS Pork Chops

A deliciously tasty meal for two adults, with emphasis given to attaining melt-in-the-mouth pork chops which do not really need the 'optional' apple sauce.